New Beginnings

Spring has sprung once again in the Midwest.  At least I can see it through my windows.  The buds are bursting into tiny green leaves and I can’t help but think about the gift of new beginnings.  It’s a new, fresh season.  And it happens every year.   

Beginnings teach us something.  And they will be a part of the cycle of our lives. 

I’ve heard many people say that this time of COVID-19 has been beneficial, because they needed a “reset”.  Some didn’t know they needed it.  Some did.  Amidst the struggles many have been facing – along with that people have found the beauty in freshness, slowness, and a start-over.  The thing about life and the way it goes it that sometimes we don’t see our need for restoration; we’ve been taught to run ourselves down at all costs, we’ve in some ways been taught that what we do is more important than who we are – not caring fully for ourselves, our well-being, our health, our minds, hearts, and souls. 

How is that healthy?  To put what you do in front of your soul?  What happens in your soul affects how you do what you do – so what should the priorities look like in your life?  Do you want to walk around heavy hearted and weighed down or do you prefer to experience joy in the middle of a struggle, being grounded in chaos, representing positive when surrounded by negative, or showing up as the encouraging light-bearer when everyone in your circle complains and is dissatisfied with the hand life has dealt them? 

We can be the light if we choose to be the light.  Every morning there is new light when the sun rises.  Amidst our daily circumstances the light never goes away; even in the night.  The beginnings of each day are marked with new light.  Days can also be marked with hope if we practice our priorities. 

First off, I haven’t always been the best at this, but I am a queen at learning and a sponge at soaking up what I call water for the soul – all that helps me grow.  There have been seasons in my life that were smooth and others that were not.  Everyday I have moments of peace and others that come out of nowhere that rock my world.  But the important part is that I get to choose with each new day what is important to me – what do I want my heart to be centered on, what are my priorities, what do I want to cultivate in my life, how will I love myself and others?  Will I choose hope? 

Everyone’s days are different.  All of our circumstances have different ingredients being mixed in each day.  But the common denominator is that when we wake up we all have a new beginning in front of us.  How will we choose to live it?  This time has taught me about myself.  It has opened my eyes to some truths that are good and some that could use some reflecting.  I see my home with new eyes.  My husband and I are freshly connecting.  He is mainly the only one I’ve seen face to face for real in eight weeks. 

 A fresh start, a slowness, a new season – with God and my soul.  A gift of peace in the middle of a worldwide pandemic.  It happened fast.  It has wreaked so much havoc on the world.  But here I am thankful, surrounded by God, light, filled with hope and moving into the new. 

What do you need to start anew?  What has this season taught you? 


If you’d like to try some daily practices for slowing the soul, head over to my daily soul space page for daily encouragement and direction on how to engage with a journey of learning more about yourself and your spiritual formation.